The Gallery
Best rated experience by travelers
100% recommend it to everyone including people like us who are not classic music lovers. Fantastic mix, little taster of everything; fun; slow music; singing; dancing. Thoroughly enjoyed it, unforgettable. Creme over a short visit to Vienna.
Richard B
Highlight of our trip. So great to see talented musicians, singers and ballet dancer perform in an intimate room in a famous concert hall. It was amazing, beautiful, funny and enchanting.
Came here 15 years ago and again last night. Still fabulous. This beautiful concert veneu where Johann Strauss performed many of his concerts has everything. A great restaurant, beautiful architecture and an amazing experience of classical music with ballet and operatic singing.
Excellent concert last night in the Kursalon. It surpassed all our expectations and it, together with the sumptious, delicious meal we had in the Das Johann Restaurant beforehand made it the highlight of our 3 day trip to Vienna. We would highly recommend it as a "must do" while visiting there. Seamus and Mary. Ireland.